Homemade Healthy Baked Chicken Nuggets

If your kids love fast food, surprise them with this homemade baked chicken nuggets recipe! This is a much healthier version of their favorite.

·      1 pound boneless skinless chicken breäst 450g
·      1 cup flour 120g
·      2 teäspoons ground päprikä
·      2 teäspoons sält
·      1/2 teäspoon ground bläck pepper
·      2 lärge eggs
·      1 cup breäd crumbs 90g
·      Oil spräy
1.    Preheät the oven to 400°F (200°C). Lightly spräy ä bäking träy with oil.
2.    Pät your chicken dry änd cut into chunks or strips.
3.    Prepäre three shällow dishes such äs soup plätes on your kitchen counter. To the first dish ädd the flour, päprikä, sält änd pepper änd mix until combined. To the second dish ädd the egg änd beät well. To the third dish ädd the breädcrumbs.
4.    Coät your chicken chunks first with the flour änd shäke off äny excess. Then dip the chunks into the beäten egg änd finälly coät with the breädcrumbs. Discärd äny leftover breädcrumbs änd flour!
5.    Distribute the coäted chicken pieces evenly on the bäking träy änd spräy the tops of the breäded chicken chunks with oil.
6.    Bäke for 20 minutes, turning the chicken nuggets once hälfwäy through.

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